250-380-9051 smookler@shaw.ca

Workshop Design and Deliveries

Workshops can be delivered in a 60-minute, 90-minute, or half-day format. Custom-designed programs are also available. Self-assessments and Exceptional Leader 360 Feedback Tool  with feedback from boss, direct report and other associates, are an option for any workshop.

Creating a Feedback-Rich and Respectful Workplace – Two hour Virtual Workshop

Evidence-based research confirms that a feedback-rich culture is the root system for all organizational growth. Improving and simplifying a workplace’s feedback system increases respect, trust, engagement, psychological safety, and productivity. This workshop focuses on making feedback easier, as well as developing greater self-awareness to identify the small steps leading to personal behavior changes once feedback is received–evolution, not revolution.

  • Simple Workbook in English – French – Spanish – ARABIC

  • 12 Skills-Based Exercises
  • Feedback — Giving and Receiving Tips
  • “Smart Vulnerability” — Learning to Apologize
  • “Smart Trust” and Emotional Intelligence
  • “Healthy Assertion” Script and Conflict De-Escalation for Difficult Conversations
  • Resilience — Tips and Current research
  • Leadership Self Assessment Tool


Building Trust, Collaboration & Resilience in Teams
Trust, Collaboration and Resilience are the key factors in creating a respectful workplace and increasing employee engagement. This workshop combines behavior-based trust building with interest-based conflict resolution training, along with guidance in well-researched skills that build workplace resilience.

Difficult Conversations—Listening & Asserting
We initiate (or avoid) difficult conversations every day—whether dealing with a co-worker, disagreeing with a family member or negotiating with a customer. This workshop focuses on using interest-based conflict resolution listening skills and assertion to navigate difficult conversations with greater ease, appreciating the wisdom of “seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Leading at the Speed of Trust
Leaders who make building trust in the workplace an explicit goal of their jobs elevate trust to a strategic advantage, enhancing innovation, engagement, and improving collaboration and execution. This workshop identifies and closes trust gaps within a group.

Interest-Based Negotiation 
Mediation is a form of negotiation between two parties where a neutral third party assists or facilitates a settlement that is amenable to, and voluntarily accepted by, both parties. The style of negotiation best suited for mediation is called Interest-Based Negotiation, or IBN. The theory of IBN is that parties are much more likely to come to a mutually satisfactory outcome when their respective interests are met than when one position wins over the other. IBN, by focusing on interests to be satisfied rather than positions to be won, seeks to “expand the pie,” giving each side more, thereby producing a “win-win.”

Giving and Receiving Feedback Non-Defensively
This workshop offers a set of simple and effective tools on how to give and receive feedback when you or others are attacking or withdrawing, focussed on increased awareness around how the “war model” of communication may be affecting your conversations and relationships. Learn to develop skills in asking non-threatening questions, stating views clearly without escalating power struggles, and setting limits that work for the individual.

Coaching & Mentoring with Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess and control the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups. Many people are asked to mentor and coach others in their organization. This workshop sets out a map on how to increase emotional intelligence in one’s coaching and mentoring responsibilities, leading to more lasting behavior improvements in those being coached or mentored.

Non-Profit Boards—Governance & Best Practices
There are many large and well-known organizations that exist only because a dedicated group of activists served as both board and staff when the organization was a “kitchen table” enterprise. Board members are usually intelligent and experienced people as individuals; yet research shows that boards, as groups, are mediocre. This workshop focuses on policy-based practices for board members and the essential linkage between the board and the senior staff, as well as the 10 key responsibilities of a non-profit board.

Deep Listening “If-You-Really-Knew-Me” Life Review
To prepare for this in-depth trust building workshop, participants reflect on some of their life’s experiences and key moments, and write them down. Extensive research shows there is a marked increase in the value of the Life Review when it is written out beforehand. You are asked to be courageously vulnerable and include experiences you haven’t yet shared. (“If you really knew me…”) In addition, when you are listening to the stories of others, this is an opportunity for you to practice deep listening or story-catching. Guidelines and questions are provided beforehand to help with the preparation.